Geriausias tiekėjas automobilio lapai

Vokietija, Hamburg
...pavyzdžiui, gamindamas savarankiškai pagamintas poliruotes, kad tavo baldai ar automobilis blizgėtų. Arba gali pasigaminti savo unikalių (kvapnių) žvakių su mūsų aukštos kokybės vašku, nes dribsniai gali būti lengvai maišomi su kitais vaškais ar eteriniais aliejais. Naudojimas: Ištirpink savo karnaubos vašką vandens vonioje prieš jį apdorojant. Pagal poreikį sumaišyk su kitais aliejais ar vaškais, kad gautum minkštesnį rezultatą. Gamyba: Vaškas gaunamas iš karnaubos palmių. Jų lapai yra nupjaunami ir a...

Produktai skirti automobilio lapai (36)

Produktai Automobilių Dirbtuvėms

Produktai Automobilių Dirbtuvėms

Asortyment przeznaczony do warsztatów samochodowych służący do zabezpieczenia przed zabrudzeniami i celom marketingowym. Pokrowce na siedzenia z własnym nadrukiem, Worki do przechowywania opon samochodowych, zabezpieczenia na kierownice, zawieszki serwisowe i wiele więcej.
Metalinė dalis - Lakštinio metalo komponentai

Metalinė dalis - Lakštinio metalo komponentai

La nostra azienda è specializzata nella produzione di componenti in lamiera secondo le esigenze e le specifiche dei singoli clienti. Utilizziamo tecnologie all'avanguardia, tra cui taglio laser, piegatura precisa CNC della lamiera, postazioni di saldatura robotizzate, postazione di rettifica robotizzata e centro CNC per arrotondare e rettificare la superficie della lamiera. Questi strumenti avanzati ci consentono di fornire prodotti della massima qualità e precisione. Che si tratti di progetti complessi o dimensioni specifiche, le nostre capacità tecnologiche ci consentono di soddisfare in modo efficiente e affidabile anche le richieste dei clienti più esigenti.
Automatinė didelių siuntų pakavimo mašina

Automatinė didelių siuntų pakavimo mašina

Automatic packing machine for large parcels Packaging Machine with extensible stretch film (black or transparent) secures the packaged goods, protecting them from dust and moisture. The Packaging Machine is an efficient and economical way of packaging, and with its help the transports will be faster and more efficient, and the packaging much more economical and more aesthetic. Thanks to the semi-automatic packaging, the parcels will be packed with minimal effort. The main benefits: - easy configuration and simple operation; - efficient and economical method of packaging; - quality and robust design; - durable surface finish.
AYK - 4000 Serija Mechaninis Mandrel Motorinis Išvyniojimo Įrenginys - Išvyniojimo Įrenginys Ritinių Išvyniojimui

AYK - 4000 Serija Mechaninis Mandrel Motorinis Išvyniojimo Įrenginys - Išvyniojimo Įrenginys Ritinių Išvyniojimui

Our AYK 4000 model is manufactured to have 600 – 800 – 1000 mm of coil width and maximum 4 mm of coil thickness. It has 4000 kilograms of coil carrying capacity and an inner tightening engine with conical mandrel tightening. Loop control proximity sensor has speed control and pneumatic upper arm has automation. This model is motorized, including motor reducer to transfer power to mandrel. Coil Carrying Capacity:4.000 kg Coil Inner Diameter:470 – 530 mm Coil Outer Diameter:1500 mm Coil Mandrel Width:600 – 800 – 1000 Mandrel Speed:14 rpm
Lyginimo plaktukas GL 2 KIT 1 - Lyginimo įrankis GL 2 KIT 1 lakštinio metalo lyginimui, ECKOLD®

Lyginimo plaktukas GL 2 KIT 1 - Lyginimo įrankis GL 2 KIT 1 lakštinio metalo lyginimui, ECKOLD®

The planishing hammer GL 2 is the perfect tool to give the best possible surface finish on sheet metal parts already preformed. Even fine laser seams can be quickly and easily smoothed with the GL 2 planishing hammer. The ECKOLD GL 2 comes into play wherever sheet metal needs to be formed by hand. The GL 2 is used in car body repairs, vintage car restoration, appliances production, furniture design and even the arts and crafts sector. The planishing hammer is also extremely suitable to correct warpage after edging. The ECKOLD GL 2 planishing hammer is supplied with special inserts for planishing, stretching and curving. ECKOLD now offers special plastic inserts for forming without damage to the surface, and inserts with flexible shafts for better access to corners and edges. This GL 2 planishing hammer KIT 1 with a handy wall bracket, consisting of: Planishing hammer GL 2 Planishing insert steel Stretching insert steel Curving insert steel Order now! Technology:Planishing Drive:Pneumatic Target sectors:Classic cars restoration, body repairs, car body Material:Aluminium, steel, stainless steel
Automobilių Dekoratyvinė Plėvelė Klijuojama Aliuminio 25 x 500 cm

Automobilių Dekoratyvinė Plėvelė Klijuojama Aliuminio 25 x 500 cm

Klebefolie fürs Auto Mithilfe einer selbstklebenden Folie können Sie Ihr Fahrzeug mit wenigen Handgriffen aufwerten. Da es sich um eine selbstklebende Folie handelt kann diese schnell und einfach Montiert werden. Im Lieferumfang sind alle Hilfsmittel enthalten welche benötigt werden. Lieferumfang 1 x Auto Dekorationsstreifen 25 x 500 cm 1 x Spraydose 1 x Schneider 1 x Rakel Informationen Maße: 25 x 500 cm Aluminium Look, glänzend Selbstklebend Einfache und schnelle Montage
Transporto Priemonės Dalis ir Pilnas Apvyniojimas

Transporto Priemonės Dalis ir Pilnas Apvyniojimas

Sie und ihr Fahrzeug haben sich auseinander gelebt und wünschen wieder mehr Struktur und Farbe? Bringen Sie Abwechslung auf ihren Parkplatz! Egal welcher Typ hier gibt es für Jeden was.
Ritininė Apsaugos Danga

Ritininė Apsaugos Danga

Der einzige Rollschutz mit austauschbaren Alu-Profilen und PVC-Bahnen. 100% MODULAR Die einzige Sicherheitsabdeckung mit einzeln vor Ort austauschbaren Alu-Profilen und PVC-Bahnen 100% ANPASSBAR Für alle rechteckigen Schwimmbecken oder Sonderformen bis 11 x 5 m 100% SICHER Leistet maximale Sicherheit für Kinder und Haustiere • Sonderformen aus zugeschnittenen Bahnen • Für Becken mit Überlaufrinne geeignet 100% VIELSEITIG Ersetzt eine Luftpolsterabdeckung und sein Aufroller, eine Winterabdeckung und alle sonstigen Sicherheitssystem Die Pools werden aus Polypropylen (Compact Pools 8 mm, Milano Pools 6 mm) geschweißt, der UV stabilisiert ist. Das Material bieten wir in vier Farben an. Die Pools sind mit zuverlässiger Technologie ausgestattet, die für die Reinigung und Wasserpflege sorgt. Je nach Kundenwunsch kann man den Pool mit weiterem Zubehör bestücken.
Tikslios plokštės metalinės dalys

Tikslios plokštės metalinės dalys

Unsere Stärke liegt im Prototypenbau und kleinen Serien von hochpräzisen Feinblechteilen und Baugruppen mit Entwicklung, Konstruktion, Fertigung und Montage.
Patalynės Rinkinys

Patalynės Rinkinys

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez nous contacter
Kėbulo apsauga - Filmai automobiliams, motociklams, laivams

Kėbulo apsauga - Filmai automobiliams, motociklams, laivams

Enfin ! Une véritable solution efficace pour protéger vos optiques de phare contre le vieillissemnt et le jaunissement du plastique. Améliorer durant des années la meilleure transmission de la lumière la nuit. Protéger vos phares des rayures et impacts de gravillons. Un renseignement, une idée, une info, un devis... Spécialistes du film adhésif, nous vous apportons notre expertise et vous conseillons sur les différentes possibilités qui s’offrent à vous. Nous nous déplaçons sur rendezvous au moment qui vous convient le mieux. Contacteznous.
Pagalba/Krovimas - Automobilis

Pagalba/Krovimas - Automobilis

Imprimé essentiel lors de vos interventions pour enregistrer les informations liées à l'intervention, telles que le véhicule concerné, les coordonnées du client, la nature de la panne ou de l'accident, les actions réalisées, etc. Une fois les travaux réalisés, le client peut se voir remettre une facture correspondant aux prestations fournies et aux pièces utilisées, avec un détail des coûts engagés. Liasse en 3 exemplaires autocopiants 60g (blanc/bleu/rose). Conditions générales de réparation au verso. Personnalisation 1 couleur de vos coordonnées : un BAT vous sera adressé dans les 48h après traitement de la commande. Numérotable. Option de mise en carnet disponible. Référence:M14 Hauteur:297 millimètres Largeur:210 millimètres Expédition:7 jours ouvrés après BAT validé Prix vert:Non
Transporto Priemonių Aušinimo Sistemos

Transporto Priemonių Aušinimo Sistemos

Durch variable oder feste Quer und/ oder Längstrennwände fertigen wir Aufbauten für den kombinierten Transport von Tiefkühl-, Frische- und Trockenfracht.
Dulkių Kontrolės Purškiklis

Dulkių Kontrolės Purškiklis

Twapet li jwaħħlu li jikkontrollaw it-trab huma prodott li jwaħħal it-trab li jeħel waħdu ffurmat mill-materjali tal-Film tal-Polietilene b'Densità Baxxa. Twapet tal-art li jeħlu li jintremew għandhom super viscidity. Kull saff huwa mwaħħal b'kisja ta 'viskożità għolja, lixxa u durabbli, tista' malajr u b'mod effettiv tneħħi l-ħmieġ, it-trab biex iżżomm l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif. Kontra l-Batterja, Reżistenti għat-Tikmix,. Kontra ż-Żlieq. Jista 'jneħħi b'mod effiċjenti t-trab minn qigħan taż-żraben u roti tal-karrettun. Ħalli l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif u jimmassimizza biex itejjeb il-kwalità tal-arja. Il-kulur u d-daqs jistgħu jiġu personalizzati. Twapet li jwaħħlu għall-kontroll tat-trab jintużaw ħafna f'workshops mingħajr laboratorju, laboratorju, sptar, istituzzjonijiet mediċi, manifattura ta 'preċiżjoni, skola, hotal, eċċ
Automobilių Oda

Automobilių Oda

Furniture Upholstery (office/salon/yacht/automotiv), accessories, shoes, slippers, bags, boots, boots, sandals, booties, apparel faux leather
Automobilių Atidarymas Avarijos Situacijose

Automobilių Atidarymas Avarijos Situacijose

Deixou as chaves dentro do carro? Clar Cerrajeros oferece um serviço de abertura de veículos sem danos em Valência. Disponível 24 horas por dia, garantimos assistência rápida e profissional em qualquer situação de emergência. Nossa equipe está equipada com as ferramentas mais modernas para garantir que seu veículo seja aberto sem nenhum dano. Este serviço é ideal para aqueles momentos inesperados, proporcionando tranquilidade e segurança quando você mais precisa.
Transporto priemonių homologacija

Transporto priemonių homologacija

FITECAR es una oficina técnica de ingeniería, especializada en HOMOLOGACION DE VEHICULOS. Nos encargamos de la realización de fichas reducidas, proyectos de reformas y tramitación de homologaciones. Ha sido creada con el objetivo de dar servicio a personas y empresas que necesiten tramitar cualquier tipo de legalización de vehículos. Damos servicio de asesoramiento técnico durante todo el proceso de legalización, con el objetivo de que nuestros clientes estén plenamente informados de todos los pasos seguidos y por seguir. Actualmente todos estos trámites pueden realizarse en gran parte, de manera telemática, lo cual nos facilita el trabajo. Operamos a nivel nacional sin que el cliente tenga que desplazarse, obteniendo su documentación de manera digital y con certificado de la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre.
Norylux: Polifenileno oksido (PPO) plokštės

Norylux: Polifenileno oksido (PPO) plokštės

PPO plaques (pour systèmes électriques type capotages, batteries automobiles...) - Les plaques de Norylux (PPO ou polyoxyde de phénylène) sont à base d'un polymère modifiée amorphe à haute résistance mécanique, thermique, et électriques ainsi qu'une faible absorption d'humidité. Ce matériau est particulièrement utilisé pour des applications de nourrices, composants de pompes et connectiques, mais aussi pour des composants électriques et capotages. DENSITÉ:1,31 Flammabilité (UL94):V0 ou V-1 (selon ép.) Absorption humidité (% à 24h):0.07
Šoninės grotelės su 2 mm plieno lakštu, skirti Humbaur aukštiems kroviniams HT / HN ir pakeliamoms priekaboms Garant / HTK

Šoninės grotelės su 2 mm plieno lakštu, skirti Humbaur aukštiems kroviniams HT / HN ir pakeliamoms priekaboms Garant / HTK

Anhängerhandel und Anhängerverleih 20 km von Ingolstadt entfernt. Gitteraufsätze für Kfz-Anhänger Wir erstellen Ihnen gerne ein Angebot, nennen Sie uns nur die Länge und Breite Ihres Anhängers und die gewünschte Höhe des Gitteraufsatzes. Schicken Sie uns eine mail an Typ: XX2616 Länge / Breite: 2650 x 1650 Höhe: 685 mm
Steely - Aukštos kokybės plieno lakštų pakaba

Steely - Aukštos kokybės plieno lakštų pakaba

Feuerverzinkter Stahlblechanhänger platzsparend aufstellbar mit innovativen Deichselholmrahmen. Gesamtgewicht 750 kg/Nutzlast ca. 630 kg. Kastenmaß: L: 205 x B: 109 x H: 30 cm. Umfangreich ausstattbar. Der Steely - Topstahlblechanhänger wird Serienmäßg mit Zurrbügel und Befestigungsknöpfen geliefert.
Naujų kėbulo dalių didmeninė ir mažmeninė prekyba

Naujų kėbulo dalių didmeninė ir mažmeninė prekyba

Pusiau automatinis Slim Wrap 2020 B paletizatorius

Pusiau automatinis Slim Wrap 2020 B paletizatorius

Semiautomatic Slim Wrap 2020 B palletizer The semi-automatic palletizer is used for wrapping palletized loads with stretch film. The palletizing machine has a rotating table of only 26 mm height, supporting a maximum weight on a board of 1200 kg. The palletizing machine offers the possibility of adjusting the number of rotations on the lower and upper part of the pallet and adjusting the gradual start of the table through the inverter. The Slim Wrap 2020 B model is equipped with a PLC and a 7.2" color touch screen.
E-Wrap 1000A Paletinis Apvyniojimo Įrenginys

E-Wrap 1000A Paletinis Apvyniojimo Įrenginys

E-Wrap 1000A pallet wrapping machine E-Wrap 1000A Stretch Film Wrapping Machine is an innovative, semi-automatic system used for wrapping pallets. The wrapping machine contributes to the optimization of the palletizing process and can cover all standard work applications thanks to the 6 work programs that can be individualized. - semi-automatic palletizing machine; - integrated motherboard; - table rotation speed: 0 – 12 (rpm); - structure of the packaging machine - steel and aluminum; - optimization and automation of the palletizing process; - optimizing the logistic flow; - 12 months warranty.
Baxat Flexy Sealer 55A mašina

Baxat Flexy Sealer 55A mašina

Baxat Flexy Sealer 55A machine The Baxat Flexy Sealer 55A machine is a fast and reliable semi-automatic angular machine, with a packing capacity of up to 1500 products/h. Having maximum flexibility in packaging, it guarantees the quality of the product and reduced investments. It can be used both automatically and manually. The semi-automatic packaging machine Flexy Sealer 55 A was designed to satisfy the need for maximum flexibility in packaging, guaranteeing a high quality of the packaging and a low investment. The Flexy Sealer series of packaging machines uses an electronically controlled sealing system and the most advanced safety devices. The use in automatic or semi-automatic mode as well as the customization of the operating programs simplify the packaging phases and maximize the production yield. Wheel supports are sold separately The equipment is equipped and delivered with multiphase adapters 2P + E
Surišimo mašina su BOPP juosta Easy Band 25-200

Surišimo mašina su BOPP juosta Easy Band 25-200

Binding machine with BOPP tape Easy Band 25-200 Banding Machine that ensures a packaging speed of 25 cycles/min and uses bands with a width of 12 mm. The strapping machine can work manually or automatically with a sensor, and its parameters are managed by a color panel with a touch screen located on the front of the machine. Easy Band 25-200 has a compact design and is suitable for multiple uses: in graphic arts, packaging of various promotional products, perfumeries. The band tension can be adjusted by means of the ring nut.
Surišimo mašina su Kraft juosta, PP Easy Band 45 B

Surišimo mašina su Kraft juosta, PP Easy Band 45 B

Kraft Tape Tying Machine, PP Easy Band 45 B Belt Binding Machine on wheels, easy to use and reliable, which has a packaging speed of 25 cycles/min. The binding machine can be used with paper and polypropylene strips with a width of 29 mm. Easy Band 45 B is a reliable machine, which uses a motorized roller support for autonomy of up to 800 meters. The machine has different settings that can be managed from the touch screen control panel, including speed management of the banding cycles. The strapping machine can be operated manually or automatically by means of a sensor.
Mašina Pakavimo Formuotojo 50 SB Dėžių Formavimui, Rišimui ir Sandarinimui

Mašina Pakavimo Formuotojo 50 SB Dėžių Formavimui, Rišimui ir Sandarinimui

Machine for Formatting, Binding and Sealing Pack Former 50 SB Boxes The Pack Former 50 SB model is an efficient station for forming, sealing and tying cardboard boxes. The packaging process is simple: the box is slid to the automatic sealing with adhesive tape, then to binding with PP tape. The system includes the discharge roller conveyor. The distance between the tape ties can be adjusted by adjusting the photocells that detect the cardboard box. The machine for forming, tying and sealing cardboard boxes has a transfer speed of 22 m/min and is powered by both electricity and air.
Ruošimo mašina su rotaciniu ranka Roto Wrap 1000 AE

Ruošimo mašina su rotaciniu ranka Roto Wrap 1000 AE

Roto Wrap 1000 AE Wrapping Machine With Rotary Arm The Roto Wrap 1000 AE model in the form of a rotating arm is a semi-automatic wrapping machine that allows the palletizing of heavy or light loads, with unlimited weight. The palletizing machine requires fixing to the floor and can process products with dimensions of 1200 x 1200 x 2200 mm. The number of revolutions can be adjusted with the help of an inverter. The rotating arm does not need fixed safety guards, because the self-braking motor combined with the front bumper instantly stops the rotation at the slightest contact with an obstacle.
Automatinės lapelių rankovės linijos 2500 B

Automatinės lapelių rankovės linijos 2500 B

Automatic Wrapping Line Arm Wrap 2500 B The Arm Wrap 2500 B Wrapping Line was designed to maintain the stability of the pallet during the wrapping process carried out by the rotary arm. The machine is suitable for medium and large productions. The Arm Wrap 2500 B model is controlled by PLC and touch screen panel. The control panel is equipped with error detection and manual functions. The sealing machine is equipped with a system for gripping, cutting and sealing the film and other optional accessories.
Dėžių rišimo ir uždarymo mašina Combi Packer 50 SBR

Dėžių rišimo ir uždarymo mašina Combi Packer 50 SBR

Combi Packer 50 SBR Box Tying and Sealing Machine The Box Binding and Sealing Machine is a semi-automatic system with manual sizing and automatic binding with PP tape. The two functions can be performed separately or at the same time through a touch screen panel. The semi-automatic machine seals the box both in the upper part and in the lower part, but it can also perform the single or double binding operation with PP tape. The Combi Packer 50 SBR system makes the entire packaging process more efficient. The tying and sealing machine can be used by non-specialized operators, as it requires simple adjustment operations.